Brand Identity

Logos are the foundation of any brand identity, and each one is a puzzle to be unlocked. Sure a logo needs to look good, but equally important it needs to convey the brand’s personality. A great logo uniquely captures the business premise and spirit of a company through text, an illustration mark, and color, setting the visual tone for the entire brand story. As building block number one, it’s your first opportunity to engage your customer and announce your arrival in the best way possible.

HydroPoint Data Systems logo by Digges Design

Industry leader in last mile water use analytics and smart irrigation solutions

Rediscovered Foods logo by Digges Design

Advocacy program for crop biodiversity and resiliency

River Arts logo design by Digges Design

Arts community

Bangle Sisters logo 3 by Digges Design

Imported Indian handicrafts

Underground Truffle Purveyors logo by Digges Design

Wholesale distributor of specialty mushrooms

Little Fire Press logo by Digges Design

Publisher of children's books

Trade Secret logo by Digges Design

Private chef, food educator, and caterer

WeatherTRAK Logo by Digges Design

Smart irrigation controllers

Taylor Forman logo by Digges Design

Interior designer

Revigor logo by Digges Design

Custom-tailored and upcycled clothing

The Lexicon of Sustainability logo by Digges Design

Omni-channel content producer advocating a sustainable food system

Lumigrow logo by Digges Design

Maker of precision horticultural lighting components

Our Food World logo by Digges Design

Food system activator produced by The Lexicon

FACT logo by Digges Design

Agrobiodiversity activator produced by The Lexicon

A Greener Blue logo by Digges Design

Sustainable fisheries activator produced by The Lexicon

Highway 1 logo by Digges Design

Woman-owned hospitality group

GSSI logo by Digges Design

Oversight committee for global sustainable fishing practices

100+ Jobs logo by Digges Design

Resource for job seekers in agriculture and the environment

Liz Drake architecture logo by Digges Design


Folk logo by Digges Design

Dermatologist-founded skincare line using botanical extracts

Food Lab logo by Digges Design

Sustainable food systems activator produced by The Lexicon and Google

My Buddha Barks logo by Digges Design

Designer dog accessories

Chip Conley Foundation logo by Digges Design

Private foundation nonprofit

Fraydo the Dragon logo by Digges Design

Title logo for childrens' book